Over the past several years,  Movember has grown to become a household word. While it is that time of year interesting mustaches are grown and rocked by participants, some people may forget the real meaning behind it.

Movember is an annual event lasting through the month of November, where participants grow their facial hair to raise awareness to Men’s Health and Prostate Cancer (among some overs). There are several other months throughout the year I would like to bring awareness to!

The latest that just past in October, and I am sure you noticed due to the pink everywhere is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This is supported by so many people, even professional sports teams represent by wearing pink equipment. Let me remind you of some other awareness months:


  • Cervical Health Awareness Month
  • National Birth Defects Prevention Month
  • National Glaucoma Awareness Month
  • National Radon Action Month
  • National Stalking Awareness Month
  • Thyroid Awareness Month
  • National Winter Sports Month
  • TBI Awareness Month
  • National Folic Acid Awareness Week (first full week of January)
  • National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (last week of January)


  • American Heart Month
  • AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month
  • National Children’s Dental Health Month
  • International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month
  • African Heritage & Health Week (first week of February)
  • Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (February 7-14)
  • Condom Week (week of Valentine’s Day)
  • Eating Disorders Awareness and Screening Week (last week of February)
  • National “Wear Red” Day for women’s heart health (February 5)
  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
  • World Cancer Day (February 4)
  • Give Kids a Smile Day (February 5)

Hold on, let’s pump the breaks here. Yes we are aware that every cause, disease, disorder and function seem to have a designated day. When I searched the monthly events I came up with pages of various causes. Did you know that there is a National Hand-washing Awareness Week (December 4-10)? Wow. It seems that every organization has some skin in the game at some point in the year.

I see all these things and it would appear as if we are doomed with one condition or the next. The point that I am trying to emphasize here is that health and wellness is not avoiding the minefield or plethora or maladies.

Health and Wellness is about your body functioning at its greatest potential and taking steps to ensure that you are gaining life and health and not moving toward dis-ease and death.

So how do we accomplish this feat? Well first off, every function in your entire body is controlled by your brain and nervous system. Everything!

In my mind it only makes sense to have your nervous system checked on a regular basis and adjusted where needed so that you function at your best. Further, there is nutrition and making sure that you nourish your system with the proper fuels.

Get adequate exercise for cardio and get enough sleep. On top of all of that have a positive attitude about your life and wellness.

My recommendation is to get your chiropractic checkup today and set out a plan to make sure your engine is running at peak performance.

Dr Brian Huggins





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