
Just Some of the Drugs Withdrawn from the Market Since 1997 because of serious often Lethal Side Effects

August 31/2009 By
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Rezulin: Fast track approval by the FDA aided this medication in sixty-three confirmed deaths and most likely hundreds more. FDA physicians were quoted saying problematic phrases such as “we have real trouble” in 1997 yet the drug remained on the market until 2000 Lotronex: Despite the warnings of high ranking FDA officers the FDA pushed Lotronex through in Febuary of 2000. Nine months later the damage was already done, reports of ninty-three hospitalizations, numerous emergency surgerices and five deaths Propulsid: One hundred deaths have been linked to this former top-selling medication in addition to hundreds of cases of heart arrhythmias…

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Fewer Strokes For Chiropractic Patients?

August 26/2009 By
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After 30 years of practice, I have accumulated quite an impressive collection of literature. Ranging from books, journals, reports, research document you name it I’ve got it. A couple times of year I feel the paper encroaching in on my office, before it turns to a paper jungle I organize and archive my collection to create serenity in my own space. Often I stumble across a piece of research that may have slipped through previously or refresh my memory in amazement. With the amount of medical findings everyday you can imagine the chances. On Monday I was fortunate enough to…

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Vitamin E to Treat Menstural Pain

August 26/2009 By
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A study found in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that Vitamin E can significantly reduce the pain of menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramping is caused by an access build up of substances called prostaglandins. Vitamin E fortunately, can assist in blocking prostaglandin from forming thus easing the pain of menstrual cramping. The studied was carried out in high schools with students between the ages of 16 and 18 reporting mild to severe pain during menstruation. Half of the students were given Vitamin E tablets in the days leading up and after menstruation, whilst the other group was given…

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Celeb Chiro Patients

August 24/2009 By

This is a fun list that was compiled by the people at Please keep in mind these are not Alliance patients and we are in no way or form trying to purpose such. Enjoy this list and have a wonderful Monday morning: ENTERTAINERS Bob Hope Dixie Carter Designing Women TV Series Andy Griffith Katherine Kelly Lang, Bold & Beautiful Soap Opera Star David Cassidy The Partridge Family TV Series Richard Pryor Lou Waters CNN Today “I like to go to the chiropractor at least once a week and have for the past 20-25 years. I feel better when I…

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The 4 Biggest Questions About Spinal Decompression

August 19/2009 By
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Good Wednesday morning to all of you out in cyberspace! I though I would take a quick second and let everyone know some of the questions you should be asking about spinal decompression. So with out any further adieu: 1. Ask about your condition: Many doc’s use Spinal Decompression as a one single therapy to cure all, taking advantage of the hype surrounding the therapy right now. Unfortunately this just doesn’t wield successful results, as patients must qualify to specific criteria to be right for Spinal Decompression. Most conditions that need to be treated with Spinal Decompression are far more…

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Swine Flu….H1V1

Posted in General Category
August 17/2009 By
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I guess you would have to of been living in a cave the past couple of months not to of heard the rumblings of the swine flu, the vaccine, the devastation…… they would have you believe the Apocalypse is upon us if we there is not enough vaccine to go around. I guess I better state this upfront as not to alienate any other chiropractors but the comments and positions are mine and not a position of the chiropractic school or association. So every year there is a strain of flu that tends to make its rounds across the globe.…

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Swine Flu….H1V1

August 17/2009 By
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I guess you would have to of been living in a cave the past couple of months not to of heard the rumblings of the swine flu, the vaccine, the devastation…… they would have you believe the Apocalypse is upon us if we there is not enough vaccine to go around. I guess I better state this upfront as not to alienate any other chiropractors but the comments and positions are mine and not a position of the chiropractic school or association. So every year there is a strain of flu that tends to make its rounds across the globe.…

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Brief History Chiropractic

Posted in General Category
August 14/2009 By
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D.D Palmer Throughout the course of my profession I must have told this story thousands of times. Still I never tire of the account as I feel it is a duty of mine to share with patients the origins of not only my medical philosophies, but my chosen profession and lifestyle. So in a truly Andy Rooney fashion I thought it would be rather beneficial to share with the web a readers digest version of the story. Chiropractic was founded in the 1890’s by D.D Palmer. Sept 17th 1895 to be precise, oblivious to most Canadians, D.D Palmer its founder…

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Brief History Chiropractic

August 14/2009 By

D.D Palmer Throughout the course of my profession I must have told this story thousands of times. Still I never tire of the account as I feel it is a duty of mine to share with patients the origins of not only my medical philosophies, but my chosen profession and lifestyle. So in a truly Andy Rooney fashion I thought it would be rather beneficial to share with the web a readers digest version of the story. Chiropractic was founded in the 1890’s by D.D Palmer. Sept 17th 1895 to be precise, oblivious to most Canadians, D.D Palmer its founder…

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Thanks Again Oakville!!!

Posted in General Category
August 10/2009 By
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I do realize that this blog maybe somewhat redundant but I really do want to thank the community for our nominations. We truly love have Alliance in Oakville. As another July passes by us and the dog days of summer continue, we must be grateful, truly grateful to this community for many reasons. After being stationed in Oakville now for over 15 years we have come to love it here, living and breathing everything Oakville. We started years ago supporting various sports teams and charities,in addition to participating in an assortment of events such as Waterfront Festival and Midnight Madness…

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Thanks Again Oakville!!!

August 10/2009 By
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I do realize that this blog maybe somewhat redundant but I really do want to thank the community for our nominations. We truly love have Alliance in Oakville. As another July passes by us and the dog days of summer continue, we must be grateful, truly grateful to this community for many reasons. After being stationed in Oakville now for over 15 years we have come to love it here, living and breathing everything Oakville. We started years ago supporting various sports teams and charities, in addition to participating in an assortment of events such as Waterfront Festival and Midnight…

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2009 Readers Choice Awards

Posted in General Category
August 04/2009 By
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Ok…that time of year has come around again for our community Readers Choice Awards in the Oakville Beaver newspaper. I have been humbled by being nominated both as the Best Chiropractic Clinic and Best Chiropractor for quite a few years now. We have won the past eight years in various categories and for that again I am thankful. This year again we are nominated for: Best Clinic: Alliance Healthcare Best Chiropractor: Dr Brian D Huggins Best Chiropodists: Vanessa Pontet and Paul Ginsberg Best Nutritionist: Angela Borgeest It is your support of our centre that we are truly thankful for and…

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Business Hours
Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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