
Fall Notes

Posted in General Category
September 30/2009 By
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From Autum News Oct 2009Ok… There are some of you that have slipped with your health and wellness commitment. You know what I am talking about. It happens every year with some people. The summer comes along, you get busy, you are off to the cottage…vacation…you get the story. Well it is time to get back on track. Call the office and set up an appointment today.On the media news you cannot help but hear the rumblings of the impending doom of the H1N1/Swine Fluepidemic. On the new I heard that some individuals will need up to four doses of…

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What If Albert Einstein Had Been on Ritalin?

September 25/2009 By
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I happened to across some research recently regarding the criteria for diagnosing ADD/ADHD syndrome in children. Included were the common symptoms of excessive fidgeting, difficulty remaining seated, daydreaming, not seeing projects through, extreme difficulty playing quietly, poor listening skills, repeated acts of dangerous behaviour without fully thinking of consequences and the list went on and on….Now that’s something to think of isn’t it? If these are the parameters in which ADD/ADHD is attributed to millions of children across the globe, shouldn’t we all have been diagnosed as children?I relay that most of us as children exhibited one or another of…

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The Telephones not working!!!!!!!!!!

September 23/2009 By
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Part of my personal responsibility as a chiropractor is to share the amazing miracle of chiropractic with the people who happen into my life. I guess you could call me preachy haha, but I truly believe I am sharing the good news of health and wellness with the world. No no, I am not witnessing through your neighborhood. You will not see me canvassing door to door with pamphlets and a finely pressed white shirt and black tie. I simply love sharing the knowledge that has been bestowed on me during my 30 plus years in this profession. I find…

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Pack It Light Wear It Right!

September 21/2009 By

As a Chiropractor I see a variety of different ailments that could easily have been avoided. One of the most common of these is stress that has been induced by exertion. Now when I say this people instantly think of weightlifting or straining ones self doing hard labour, but the culprit of these ever pesky conditions can be far more subtle.Although it may not seem like it could be causing bodily harm we often do small things in our daily routines which could have a far greater impact on us latter in life.For example many people carry backpacks, purses, laptops…

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Doc Talk

September 18/2009 By
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Hey everybody just coming in here with a quick hit…..We will soon be launching Doc Talk an interactive forum for our patients to communicate with myself and ask health questions ranging from conditions, vitamins, excercises for certain ailments, chiropractic, spinal decompression etc… You get the picture.We will be putting together “Doc Talk” a bi weekly mini webisode to help keep our patients informed. The videos will be accessible via YouTube and other social media avenues. So keep your eyes peeled!!!!So with out any further delay if you have any questions you would like answered on “Doc Talk” please email them…

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Back Surgery Is A Last Resort!!!!

Posted in General Category
September 16/2009 By
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Many back pain sufferers think they exhaust all avenues of treatment just trying to quell the pain which hinders their daily routines.In a number of cases patients are presented with an end of the road decision in the attempt to be pain free. It is a last ditch effort to vanquish the situation and quite often patients make it far too hastily.That option is having back surgery to repair acute conditions such as Herniated Discs, Sciatica, Degenerated Discs etc…It is no secret that back surgery is a risky business. All back surgeons will agree anybody thinking of back surgery should…

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Back Surgery Is A Last Resort!!!!

September 16/2009 By
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Many back pain sufferers think they exhaust all avenues of treatment just trying to quell the pain which hinders their daily routines.In a number of cases patients are presented with an end of the road decision in the attempt to be pain free. It is a last ditch effort to vanquish the situation and quite often patients make it far too hastily.That option is having back surgery to repair acute conditions such as Herniated Discs, Sciatica, Degenerated Discs etc…It is no secret that back surgery is a risky business. All back surgeons will agree anybody thinking of back surgery should…

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Fall, Stress, Chiropractic

Posted in General Category
September 14/2009 By
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Well that about does it for summer doesn’t it? It was a good ride, a wet and unusually cold one but fun nonetheless. How did you enjoy the summer of 2009? Did you travel, stay at home and enjoy what weather we had to enjoy? Are you ready for the coming months and the turning of the leaves?I am talking to a lot of our patients right now about this seasonal transition. The kids are back in school the air becomes a tad chillier and before you know it we are right back into the thick of a Canadian winter.With…

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Fall, Stress, Chiropractic

September 14/2009 By

Well that about does it for summer doesn’t it? It was a good ride, a wet and unusually cold one but fun nonetheless. How did you enjoy the summer of 2009? Did you travel, stay at home and enjoy what weather we had to enjoy? Are you ready for the coming months and the turning of the leaves?I am talking to a lot of our patients right now about this seasonal transition. The kids are back in school the air becomes a tad chillier and before you know it we are right back into the thick of a Canadian winter.With…

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Sciatica, Chiropractic & Spinal Decompression

Posted in General Category
September 02/2009 By

Just a quick hit here…..I just want to say as a Chiropractor I have the marvelous opportunity to aid people who have suffered with conditions such as Sciatica for years.So it is rather frustrating when far too often I hear people convey “It’s just something I have to live with” or “Guess that’s just life”.While I can truly tell you that there are a number of options for you to discuss with your Chiropractor. You are definitely not alone and Chiropractic combined with other therapies can help.Never accept a defeatist attitude and remember, in addition to any treatment,the power of…

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Sciatica, Chiropractic & Spinal Decompression

September 02/2009 By
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Just a quick hit here…..I just want to say as a Chiropractor I have the marvelous opportunity to aid people who have suffered with conditions such as Sciatica for years.So it is rather frustrating when far too often I hear people convey “It’s just something I have to live with” or “Guess that’s just life”.While I can truly tell you that there are a number of options for you to discuss with your Chiropractor. You are definitely not alone and Chiropractic combined with other therapies can help.Never accept a defeatist attitude and remember, in addition to any treatment,the power of…

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Business Hours
Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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