
Halloween Fun

October 30/2009 By
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Happy Halloween Are the kiddies are all set for trick or treating? Was finding the right costume this year a piece of cake or a headache? Are you prepared for all that goes bump in the night? Aha ha ha ha ha….. (my digital attempt at a bloodcurdling laugh) I have always loved Halloween as a holiday; it’s the one time of year where dressing as murderous Pirate doesn’t cause peoples head to turn. Also I am not going to lie I have a soft spot for chocolate from time to time; we all have our weaknesses right? I wanted…

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Spinal Decompression

October 28/2009 By
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Spinal Decompression Info Spinal Decompression treatments are not just for back problems. In fact if you experience severe pain in your back, neck, arms or legs Spinal Decompression could help. This is attributed to cases in which degeneration or damage of the discs may factor into your issues. It is important firstly to determine the root of your pain by speaking to a proper health professional such as myself. Spinal Decompression Helps If the problem is within the disc which is the cause of conditions such as: Herniated Discs Sciatica Facet Syndrome Spinal Stenosis Then Spinal Decompression could be the…

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Jerry Rice Shares Chiro Experiences…

October 26/2009 By
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Many of my patients know that I am personally a big sports guy. Over the years I have worked with various amateur teams and shared with them the benefits of chiropractic care. I have enjoyed all my experiences working on everything from baseball, to football, to hockey. Many athletes were amazed at how quickly their turn around times had been with the aid of chiropractic. Game shape maintanence helped players feel up to their best before performing. In addition those suffering from injuries were amazed at speed of their recovery time. I have always stressed the absolute necessity of chiro…

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H1N1 ….Swine Flu

October 23/2009 By
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OK … News Flash…there is the press, panic and promotion of the Flu Vaccine issues. It would seem if Armageddon is upon us with the various spins that are circulating in the media. So here is my take on the issues and I must underscore that these are my opinions and not necessarily the position of the CCO or chiropractic associations. The first thing you need to do is calm down, take a step back and breathe. This is currently not a pandemic of biblical proportions. According to the CDC: WORLD UPDATE WHO – 6 July 2009 — Cumulative Total…

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Notes and News

Posted in General Category
October 21/2009 By
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Just a quick hit here guys…. What a busy week, I have barely had a second to catch my breath and talk to you my blogging friends! What’s new in the world? While at Alliance we are moving full steam into the fall season as the leaves hit the ground. They do fall quickly; it seems everybody is running out to the yard trying to get a handle on them before it’s too late. Remember though, always be safe when doing your yard work as you should never over exert yourself as we the dwellers of the North still have…

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Notes and News

October 21/2009 By

Just a quick hit here guys…. What a busy week, I have barely had a second to catch my breath and talk to you my blogging friends! What’s new in the world? While at Alliance we are moving full steam into the fall season as the leaves hit the ground. They do fall quickly; it seems everybody is running out to the yard trying to get a handle on them before it’s too late. Remember though, always be safe when doing your yard work as you should never over exert yourself as we the dwellers of the North still have…

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Chiro Philosophy

October 16/2009 By
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Happy Friday to all! What a beautiful morning it is shaping up to be in Southern Ontario. Enjoy it while we can folks while it may be chilly,it’s not snowing yet! Despite the shifting of the seasons I thought I would share with you today a little piece of Chiropractic philosophy which has driven much of my practice for many years. From my personal perspective I think it is of the utmost importance to understand what this goal of “health” really is. In other words what are we really trying to achieve here? Is health a magic potion? Does it…

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Time Flys

Posted in General Category
October 14/2009 By
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Hope everybody enjoyed their long weekends, cause now its back to the weekly grindstone. My goodness Thanksgiving seemed to creep up quite quickly this year. While many of us were still waiting for the sun to arrive laden in beach wear someone told us the Turkey was in the oven and to finally give up! “Put away the beach volleyball, wrap up the lawn chairs, close the pool”, guess they are right we have all had to adorn a jacket by this time. It may be time for the shorts to fly south! Fly, huh! Well time certainly does fly,…

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Doc Talk is here!!!

October 09/2009 By
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Remember a while back I mentioned a video blog (or ‘vlog’ as the kids are calling it) featuring myself which would be focused around timely health and wellness issues? While I am happy to say that are first two official episodes of DocTalk have now been released on ….. They feature relevant news from everyday issues that surround us and our community. With community being a big part of our practice we thought it was paramount for all of you to get involved. We will talk about that later, but for now to get to these episodes all you…

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Gearing Up For Turkey Time!

Posted in General Category
October 07/2009 By
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As you all know, sometimes I like to put a little bit of personality into my blogs,. Often I like to reach past issues of Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression , Sciatica etc… and just convey some of my personal thoughts, today is definitely no exception as I gear up for Thanksgiving.Are we excited here or what? Its Thanksgiving in the Great White North this weekend and I must relay, over the course of the year this has to be one of my favourite holidays.What’s better than gathering around family and friends sharing some pumpkin pie, turkey etc… watching movies, maybe a…

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Gearing Up For Turkey Time!

October 07/2009 By
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As you all know, sometimes I like to put a little bit of personality into my blogs,. Often I like to reach past issues of Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression , Sciatica etc… and just convey some of my personal thoughts, today is definitely no exception as I gear up for Thanksgiving.Are we excited here or what? Its Thanksgiving in the Great White North this weekend and I must relay, over the course of the year this has to be one of my favourite holidays.What’s better than gathering around family and friends sharing some pumpkin pie, turkey etc… watching movies, maybe a…

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Sleep Tips

Posted in General Category
October 02/2009 By
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Many of my patients’ conditions are the product of improper sleeping habits that have developed over the course of their lives. It is estimated we spend about 33% of our time in beds; shouldn’t we make sure that we are doing this right? It’s rather interesting that we are taught from an early age how to walk and talk but sleeping is a task that we simply inherit. It is difficult for some to understand sleeping improperly can perhaps be the most damaging factor towards your back and body issues.As everyone knows rest is important to the human body but…

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Sleep Tips…

October 02/2009 By
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Many of my patients’ conditions are the product of improper sleeping habits that have developed over the course of their lives. It is estimated we spend about 33% of our time in beds; shouldn’t we make sure that we are doing this right? It’s rather interesting that we are taught from an early age how to walk and talk but sleeping is a task that we simply inherit. It is difficult for some to understand sleeping improperly can perhaps be the most damaging factor towards your back and body issues. As everyone knows rest is important to the human body…

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Business Hours
Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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