
The Neck

June 30/2010 By

OK so you probably know that over the past few months we have designed, built and moved into our new offices.  There is still a pile of detail stuff to take care of and I find myself saying more often than not…I’ll take care of that later! So over the years I have had my hand in either building directly or consulted for new doctors more than 40 times…40 new offices that all turned out pretty nice. That being said my wife Conny who is a designer has a keen eye and had a tremendous input into building our new…

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Happy Canada Day From Alliance Healthcare

June 30/2010 By
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O Canada… Happy Birthday all of you Canadians! Hey I hope you all have a great Canada Day with family and friends… Remember to listen to that little voice in the back of your head before you do the cannonball off the cliff or garage roof. All of the children are in an envious position today…schools out for summer…yahoo. When I was a lad the day school finished we packed up and headed to the cottage for the summer and I still retain a lot of fond memories. Enjoy your summers off because unless you are in the teaching profession,…

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Oh What a Move…

June 28/2010 By
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Usually I prefer to hear that comment in a sporting event but this May past long weekend and the week following we moved our office location of 11 years to our new premises. Well the last time I moved a home was 1988 so it gives you time to forget the challenges of a move. Our office was 5000 sq feet and I suspect a 1000 sq ft of that needed to be pitched. Today we found a box with a dozen or more pin style printer cords. Hmmm… I am rediscovering as well that moved in and functional is…

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Earth to Matilda…The Journey of Health & Wellness

June 28/2010 By

Well it has been over two weeks since we moved into our new premises and it seems as if my Things To Do List is actually getting longer…Chaos – disorder, bedlam, pandemonium, commotion, disarray, turmoil … oh well all of these things are present with a move and the settling in period as we search for order.Everyday we inch closer to the finished project but there always seems to be and additional task or reason to keep tweaking the model. You know that is kind of like our Journey of Health and Wellness. I guess the list of things and…

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Business Hours
Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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