
The Facts About Aspirin

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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Health Myths May Cause More Harm – Know the Facts How often have you heard that an aspirin a day is good for preventing heart disease? When the actual study is reviewed we find this out not to be the case. In whose best interest is this idea promoted anyway? There is a serious risk associated with a daily dose of aspirin so make sure that you understand the facts and ask the right questions. Knowledge is empowerment for you and your family. Aspirin Not Recommended for Heart Disease Anymore By Dr. John G F Cleland Despite the vast size…

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Colds in Day Care Give Immunity Later On…

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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Colds frequently passed among toddlers attending day care provide a measure of immunity by the time the children reach school age, offering worried parents some comfort, researchers said on Thursday. Two-year-olds enrolled in day care centers attended by six or more children caught twice as many colds as children of that age cared for at home, according to a study of 1,246 children in Tucson, Arizona. But between the ages of 6 and 11, those who had attended day care suffered fewer colds than their counterparts cared for at home during their preschool years. By the age of 13, all…

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Healthier Children Through Chiropractic

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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“Chiropractic care for my child? Why? His back doesn’t bother him." How often chiropractors have encountered parents who appreciate the importance of regular checkups for their child’s teeth, hearing, eyes and ears but draw a blank when it comes to a spinal checkup. In fact, a spinal check-up could be one of the most important checkups your child will ever have. Your child’s spine is their lifeline because running through it is the spinal cord, containing billions of nerve fibers that send messages and energy from the brain to every part of their body. If there is blockage of any…

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The Flu Shot

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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Flu Shot Controversy Flu shot controversy!!!  Over the last few years there have been continuing arguments over the efficacy of the flu shot. Right here in Ontario many of the paramedics refused to entertain mandatory flu shots. I think that people have a right to make that decision on their own…specifically what goes into their bodies. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that we do not know what the long-term implications of this type of treatment are. Read the following and include this type of information in your decision making process. Knowledge and information allows you to be empowered…

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What is Fibromyalgia?

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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Fibromyalgia, is a mysterious syndrome that is taking an increasing toll on our population. In some instances it is very similar to that of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Fibromyalgia is often associated with widespread pain that is often incapacitating and usually affects women in the 25-60 demographic. Fibromyalgia literally means pain in the muscular and connective tissues. The cause of FMS is unknown and affects over 6 million North Americans. For many years the identification of fibro was very perplexing, because no blood work or other lab tests could show any conclusive evidence. Subsequent studies have shown a common thread of…

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Vaccines & My Children

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By

The Top 7 Questions a Parent Needs to Ask When Contemplating a Vaccine for their Child More recent research has come to light that shows a correlation between vaccines and certain syndromes like autism etc. While I do not personally wish to make a decision for my patients I do think that it is critical that parents well informed in order to make sound health choices for their children. Consider some of the following information when making your decisions. The pharmaceutical industry with its strong legislative and marketing arms have led the public to believe three myths. One: that vaccines…

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How does Vitamin D effect Multiple Sclerosis?

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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For almost half a century scientists began to recognize that there were higher rates of chronic disease for those peoples who lived outside of the tropics. Researchers concluded that the higher intake of vitamin D had some protective qualities. In the January issue in the journal Neurology researchers at Harvard School of Public Health reported from a two-phase Nurses’ Health Study. The use of multi-vitamins and monitoring of diets of more than 190, 000 nurses were tracked over a twenty year period. A total of 173 cases of MS were reported. Two significant results were as follows: Women, who had…

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What Can Be Done to Provide the Best Possible Situation for Your Autistic Child?

October 29/2013 By
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Once again the controversy of autism is rearing its head. It is difficult to place any credence in much of the gobbledygook that you hear and read. “Researchers from the Duke University Medical Center who analyzed birth and educational records from North Carolina have found a connection between induction or augmentation of childbirth and an increased risk of autism” At one point Dr Wakefield reported a correlation between childhood vaccines and autism. His research was rebuffed by those that did not share his opinions. Who to believe…who to trust? I think that everyone can agree that this is a modern…

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Back to School Packs and Safety

October 25/2013 By

With the full swing of back to school in the air much of the chatter is about what clothes are the rage or what tech tool is the must have this year. It is critical for parents and students to understand the health ramifications of their apparel, more specifically BACKPACK SAFETY. When you categorize it under safety it almost sounds like overkill. More than 24,000 people were treated in U.S. hospitals and doctors’ offices for backpack-related injuries in 2012, and more than 9,500 of those patients were aged 5 to 18, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The reality…

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Achieving Excellence with Chiropractic

Posted in Chiropractic
October 24/2013 By
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Ever played a game of connection? Well here is a curious one, try to match the Star Athletes name to an overall common bond. Ready, here we go? Tiger Woods, Karem Abdul Jabar, Lance Armstrong, any clue? Evander Holyfield, Barry Bonds, Emmitt Smith, Terrell Owens, nothing at all? Gold medalist Dan O’Brien, Andy Roddick, Joe Montana, the Toronto Maple Leafs, Raptors and Blue Jays, over 95% of the NFL 32 franchises? I could keep going, but at this point I am sure you’ve already guessed the connection between these peak performance athletes? Excellence in their field? A good guess and…

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Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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