
This Hockey Mascot is well adjusted!

Posted in Chiropractic
January 27/2014 By
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Why see a Chiropractor? Here are 10 reasons that could help enhance your life!

January 25/2014 By
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Looking for a better road to health and wellness? Our Chiropractors take a natural approach when treating your simple aches, pains, and even complex medical conditions. We use a variety of techniques including Spinal Adjustments, Spinal Decompression, Soft Tissue Therapy, Nutritional Counselling, and more to help improve the over quality of your life. Infants to seniors alike can benefit from the natural, effective, and gentle effects regular care can have on your health. Take a look at the Top Ten Reasons you should see one of our Chiropractors today! Did you know Chiropractic Care… 1. Alleviates aches and pains 2.…

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Low Back Pain, Winter Weather and your Chiropractor

January 22/2014 By
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Low Back Pain, Winter Weather and your Chiropractor                                 Dr Brian Huggins   Well we are deep into winter and the Olympics are just around the corner. This winter has been a blessing for some and of course a curse for others. I personally grew up in the Snowbelt and these winters were quite common however since relocating to Oakville in 1988 this has been the real deal winter.   With the advent of shovelling more snow than your typical year there are a few quick steps to add in order to not move into your chiropractors office. You see…

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Who is your Chiropractor?

January 20/2014 By
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Who is your Chiropractor? ~Dr. Tiffany Huggins First of all, Happy New Year Blog Readers, Patients, Potential Patients! The busy and social nature of the holiday season prompted me to write this blog as I was constantly interacting with new people who seemed to ask the same 3 questions: What’s your name, how do you know the host, and what do you do for a living? By the time I reached question 3, I found many people didn’t actually understand what a Chiropractor did. I took each puzzled face, negative reaction, and ignorant response as an opportunity for education and…

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Blood Sugars and Their Effect On Diabetes – Part 2

January 17/2014 By
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Now that you have a bit of an understanding the mechanics of Type I & II diabetes, let’s look at some symptoms. Remember that for the most part we will be discussing adult onset or Type II diabetes. Some of the early symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, numbness and tingling in your extremities, blurred vision, increased irritability; poor wound healing, frequent infections and sometimes unexplained weight loss. Consider the fact that there are close to 3 million diabetics in Canada there are more than twice that number that are pre-diabetic or borderline diabetic and they do not even know.…

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Should I take Fish Oil?

January 14/2014 By
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Dr Tim talks about the media’s bashing of supplementation, the reasons why to take a fish oil, and the best dosing for optimal health. (more…)

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How do I treat sore muscles?

January 14/2014 By

After a tough day at work, or a fierce battle on the field—your muscles may feel overworked, tight, tender, and just plain ready for some TLC. So what are you doing to give them some? Some people find it easier to ignore the pain and live with it when there is really no need. Here are 5 quick tips that will take your muscles from meltdown to mush! 1. Stretch. Whether you are sitting at a desk all day, or preparing to run 5K you should be doing activity appropriate stretching. For example, sitting and staring at your computer screen…

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How can I lose weight?

January 14/2014 By

If you’re reading this, you or someone you know has battled with weight gain/loss. There are some simple things you have to know first (some of you may already do), and some more complicated ones that are more individualized and may require some serious introspection.   FUNDAMENTAL NUMBERS: A pound of fat = 3500 kcal (approx.). Therefore, to lose 1 pound, you must either expend 3500 kcal more, or eat 3500 kcal less than your needed intake (over a period of time). 30 minutes of exercise can range from a loss of 100 to over 500 kcal depending on the…

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Blood Sugars and Their Effect On Diabetes – Part 1

January 09/2014 By

Well now that the holiday season is officially behind us I look back and ask myself when it started. For me personally it seems to of been gatherings galore. Since June I have had four weddings and a funeral. Now you throw in Thanksgiving, candy at Halloween, and our first Christmas function was at the end of November. There was one every weekend throughout December. What am I exactly going on about? Well for me personally the consumption of food and yes chocolate has been ongoing. It is definitely time to shed a few and get on with health and…

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What are your health and wellness resolutions?

January 06/2014 By
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Dear Friends and Patients, I was sitting there New Year’s morning pondering 2014 and what it has in store.   I certainly hope that the holidays found you safe and happy. It is the most wonderful time of the year. With the advent of January we not only reflect on the previous year but set our resolutions for the coming year. As we tend to do, we make a list of resolutions that we will attempt to accomplish with our new year.  Resolutions that are unfulfilled are merely wishes. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I thought that…

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Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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