
What is a Subluxation?

June 20/2014 By

If you have ever been to a Chiropractor, you have probably undergone the necessary paperwork followed by an in-depth chat with your doctor about your personal and family medical history and then a battery of testing including a neurological, orthopedic, and postural evaluation. At our office we then send out for any required specialized testing such as Radiographs (x-rays) so we can make sure we have all the pertinent information to give you the correct diagnosis. Once we have collected all test results, we present the patient with a Report of Findings where we will explain all of our findings, …

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How to Stop Bed-Wetting with a Natural Approach

June 18/2014 By

Story of the Month—Bed Wetting There was an 8 year old boy, let’s call him Bradley, and Bradley was active in sports, loved model cars, and camping trips with his family. Bradley was a popular kid as he played on multiple sports teams and received many invites to birthdays and slumber parties. Bradley found himself making every excuse in the book to avoid overnight events as he suffered from nocturnal enuresis better known as bed wetting. He felt as though he was missing out and eventually his friends stopped asking him to come. His shame and embarrassment of a problem…

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Magic Cure for Back Pain?

June 18/2014 By
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Magic Cure for Back Pain? Dr. Tiffany Huggins Now I would hate for this blog to start with outrageous claims like we are magicians or have a ‘cure-all’ for every disease and condition that plagues the human population—but Chiropractic does  improve overall health and facilitate better healing and optimal wellness when adjusted at regular intervals. Did you know chiropractic can affect conditions beyond the traditional headaches, neck and back pain? Did you know it can BOOST your immune system? Here are 5 conditions that we can help that you may not have known possible! Allergies. You have heard those friends…

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Report finds physical activity levels of Canadian kids lag behind global pack

June 06/2014 By
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Report finds physical activity levels of Canadian kids lag behind global pack Written by Lauren La Rose, The Canadian Press May 20th, 2014 – A new report reveals that the overall physical activity levels of Canadian kids are lagging behind those of youngsters from other nations. The findings were released at the first-ever Global Summit on the Physical Activity of Children, which was held in Toronto on Tuesday. Canadian children and youth were assigned a D-minus grade for overall physical activity levels. Canada trailed near the back of the international pack along with Australia, Ireland and the U.S., who were…

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You Must Read This Before You Board That Rollercoaster!!!

June 02/2014 By
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Before You Ride…   Well there can be no complaints about the weather the past few days here in Southern Ontario. This morning I was chatting with one of my chiropractic patients and asked what she was up to on the weekend. Typically this time of year people are heading to the backyard making sure all of the chores of spring are addressed. This morning she mentioned that she headed to Canada’s Wonderland…to hit the coasters!! Immediately I thought back to last summer and the numerous times on a Monday morning people were making calls to the chiropractor because of…

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Business Hours
Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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