
Back(pack) Lightly! Is my kid carrying too much weight in their backpack?

October 06/2020 By

It’s hard to believe we are saying goodbye to yet another September! The leaves start to hint at that first change in colour, swim season makes way for sweater weather, and the kids returned to school after this year’s (long) summer break. As parents, we start organizing lunch boxes, water bottles, shoes, coats, and this year, masks, to pack into our children’s backpacks to be prepared. Let’s talk backpack safety! I noticed on my son’s return, how heavy his backpack felt and decided to re-evaluate backpack size and bag components to make sure it wasn’t causing undue stress on his…

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Numbness or pins and needles in your thumb or fingers could be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

October 03/2020 By

Over the years, Oakville Chiropractor Dr. Brian Huggins and Dr. Tiffany Huggins have had several patients come into the office who have asked themselves the following questions: Are you experiencing numbness or pins and needles in your thumb or fingers? Do you feel intermittent pain in your wrist or hand? Does your grip seem to have become clumsy or weak? If this sounds like you…read on! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome It’s no secret that 2020 has been a year of changes. Millions of Canadians found themselves transplanted from their school and workplace environments, to conducting business as (un)usual from their own…

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What to expect when seeing a chiropractor?

Posted in Chiropractic
September 08/2020 By

At the Oakville Chiropractic Centre, we often get inquires from patients or potential patients asking us about how many times they will have to come in order for the pain to go away. If you are dealing with pain issues related to an injury, illness or everyday life, it’s a good bet you would like your pain to go away as soon as possible! The question is, “how do you go about making that happen?” When it comes to dealing with pain and body discomfort, the source of your pain or discomfort could be coming from almost anywhere in your body.…

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What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

September 01/2020 By

Hello friends and patients! We here at the Oakville Chiropractic Centre have been trying to create blogs that our patients find useful. If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please simply give us a call at 905-845-2291 or fill out a form on our website. Today’s article is to educate our readers about Spinal Decompression Therapy. Our day-to-day life can be strenuous in many ways and this stress can effect us all differently. Some people experience different body aches, but one of the most common effects is back pain. Back pain can be due to prolonged…

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What is Spinal Stenosis and how can the Oakville Chiropractic Centre help?

August 25/2020 By

What Is Spinal Stenosis and How Do I Treat it? Here at the Oakville Chiropractic Centre, we treat all kinds of ailments. One that is a bit more rare but we would like to educate our patients and readers about is Spinal Stenosis. What is it and can my Oakville Chiropractor treat it? Millions of adults suffer from neck and back pain. Some also suffer from pain, numbness, or tingling radiating down the arms or legs. While many factors cause back and neck pain, including soft tissue injuries such as whiplash, many of the symptoms people experience result from spinal…

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Is Chiropractic care for me?

August 18/2020 By

In the regular course of your daily events, you may experience a surprising limit to your normal mobility from simply moving a piece of furniture or from doing that twist move you enjoy so much in your dance routine. Suddenly, acute pain has got you in its grips, and you are at a loss as to how to relieve the intensity so you can move and breathe again comfortably. Maybe you have been experiencing aches and pains throughout your body and you just don’t know why but the pain doesn’t seem to be subsiding. If you have gone through a…

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Can Chiropractic help with my sciatica?

August 04/2020 By

Day in and day out, sciatica can take a toll on both your physical and mental health. Finding relief might seem  impossible, but there is hope to be had! Many people with sciatic nerve pain are turning to chiropractors for help and getting positive results. There’s even better news for those living in Oakville and surrounding areas. Dr. Huggins is an experienced Chiropractor in Oakville who can help with your sciatica. Just how do chiropractors provide relief for sciatic pain? Let’s find out. What is sciatica? Every 1 in 10 North American adults suffer from a condition called sciatica. This…

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Your Nervous System and Chiropractic Care at Oakville Chiropractic Centre

July 14/2020 By

The majority of people assume that Chiropractors are only “back doctors” or “neck doctors”, while this is not the case. Chiropractors treat several different types of pain in the body and help ensure your body is functioning at its highest potential. How does chiropractic care do this you might ask? Through manipulation of the spine and the effects that an adjustment has on your nervous system. The nervous system serves as an inner coordination tool that allows information to be transmitted from the brain to the rest of the body and sends signals to the body to create an appropriate…

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Happy Pride from the Oakville Chiropractic Centre: Love is Love

June 30/2020 By

Happy Pride from the Oakville Chiropractic Centre! This week (June 28 th) marked 51 years since the historic Stonewall Uprising where members of the LGBT community fought for gay rights and freedoms. While many establishments were quick to turn away patrons based on colour, creed, and sexual orientation, the Stonewall Inn was one that offered service to even the most marginalized members of society. Though police raids were routine among gay bars in the 1960’s, that night was anything but. Although the rebellion brought about riots and controversy, it also began paving away for change and better representation within their…

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Oakville Chiropractic Centre Covid-19 Office Protocols

May 28/2020 By

Greetings Friends and Patients! Well it seems as if we have been in isolation and quarantine for a lifetime, but at least here in Ontario, there are the first signs of return to normalcy. At the time I am writing this info to you, chiropractors and dentists etc. are only able to see emergency or patients in pain. We are preparing to (when we get the green light) welcome all back to our office in the new normal. It is understandable that many of you may have an anxiety about reintegrating to the regular pace of life. We appreciate your concerns.…

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How To Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer

March 13/2020 By

Hello everyone! This is going to be a very short and sweet blog. Cononaviruses like COVID-19 can spread through human contact. It has shown to be very effective to curb the spread of it by washing your hands. Hand sanitizer can be just as effective and is much easier when you are out and about. So for all of you people out there that were too late to purchase hand sanitizer, here is a recipe to make your own! Isopropyl Alcohol Aloe vera gel 8 – 10 drops of essential oils Put into a bowl and mix it together, funnel…

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She’s Back! Welcome Back Dr. Tiffany Huggins

January 07/2020 By

Some of you may have been wondering where Dr. Tiffany Huggins has been…well, I will let her tell you! Here is a message from the doc herself: Hello and Happy New Year! While this is the year to reflect, as hindsight is of course 20/20, it is only fitting that I look back and give thanks for the past two amazing years I spent at home with my children. In December of 2017, my daughter Georgia was born, and I decided with her and my son Liam both at home, it was the perfect opportunity to raise my children full-time.…

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Does Chiropractic Reduce Pain During Pregnancy?

December 06/2019 By

If you have experienced pregnancy or been around a pregnant woman, you know what a physical and emotional roller coaster it can be. While it is a very exciting time, those hormones are all over the place resulting in physical and emotional changes. At the Oakville Chiropractic Centre, we have not only treated several pregnant women but many of our staff members have also experienced pregnancy and been treated by our doctors. The body is constantly changing and growing to make room for the baby and to prep for delivery. The ligaments are stretching and the pelvic joints are adjusting…

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Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.