
Gardening Posture Tips – Keeping your Body in Good Shape

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March 22/2025 By
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spring cleaning tips oakville chiropractic centre

Many see gardening as pleasurable and a nice form of exercise. Beautiful flowers blooming, fruits and vegetables growing and tranquility amongst the birds. To help you enjoy the process of gardening while staying healthy, warm up before you start, use safe body mechanics to complete the tasks, protect your knees, wear good gloves, use well maintained tools and take frequent rest breaks. The following gardening posture tips will help pave the way to being a happy and healthy home gardener.       Warm Up: Gardening is a physical activity and, just like playing sports, it is important to warm…

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Don’t let your migraine headaches affect you!

Posted in General Category
March 15/2025 By
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migraine headache pain chiropractic woman

                Are you suffering from migraine headaches? Here are two topics that could help you manage them! Topic One: Migraine Headaches and Chiropractic Care The Problem: A migraine is an intense throbbing headache that may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or noise. Worldwide, an estimated ONE BILLION people suffer at least one migraine headache each year Adult women are THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY than men to experience migraines. Over 80% of migraineurs miss work due to their headaches, with an average of 4-6 absences per year. The Solution: Spinal…

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Sitting, Neck Pain, and Desk Setups

March 06/2025 By
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Here are three topics that have to do with most people’s daily work routines! Topic 1:  Sitting the New Smoking? Here’s What You Need to Know!   Did you know that sitting too much can have some of the same long-term health risks as smoking? 😳 It’s true. Too much time in a chair can lead to back pain, weight gain, and even increased risks of heart disease. But before you throw out your office chair, here’s how to fix it: ✅ The 30/30 Rule: Stand up and move for 30 seconds every 30 minutes—a quick stretch, a lap around…

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Black Lives Matter to the Oakville Chiropractic Centre

June 23/2020 By
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What a time we are living in. Here in the Halton Region we are entering Phase II of re-opening during the Coronavirus. In addition to all of the COVID-19 madness, we have seen society screaming out with social injustice and racial bigotry. I cannot totally understand the issues as I have not walked in those shoes, but I can assure you that we at the Oakville Chiropractic Centre are totally empathetic and support the message Black Lives Matter. The videos that have leaked show abhorrent behaviour and devoid of humane treatment. It saddens and hurts to see the treatment and understand…

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What Every Golfer Needs to Know

August 21/2015 By
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What Every Golfer Needs to Know Golf is one of the most popular amateur sporting activities however from a fitness perspective almost totally neglected. Most casual players make it to the course in the nick of time; head for the tee block and with the most perfunctory of practice swings blast the ball of the tee hoping to drive the ball into the next county. Some may do so without injury but many do not and few golfers appreciate the importance of golf fitness. This is not only for injury prevention but imperative in improving their game and the overall…

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450 Years of Shakespeare

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May 01/2014 By
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Celebrating His 450th Birthday….And Still Relavant All the world is but a stage …..yowzer… did you know that the Bard is 450 this year. I imagine if you take it in a passing glance it does not seem like much of a big deal. I grew up in Stratford and in our schools and city the stories of William were commonplace and we really did not think much about them. When you break it down you really must scratch you head. Whose work had lasted half of a millennium? If it lasted (not counting religious doctrine) this length of time…

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A Jumbo Jet Crashes and Kills all on Board Every Day

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April 04/2014 By
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Jumbo Jet Crashes and Kills all on Board Every Day Wait a minute…what are you talking about. If a jet crashed every day for the past year everyone would of heard about it… let me explain. I am sure everyone heard that Philip Seymour Hoffman died from an illegal drug overdose recently. I think everyone is cognizant of the perils of these drugs. What is less known and talked about is the death rate from prescription drugs. The low estimates of 100,000 per year up to 750,000 die from prescription medications each and every year with the numbers only increasing…

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Why see a Chiropractor? Here are 10 reasons that could help enhance your life!

January 25/2014 By
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Looking for a better road to health and wellness? Our Chiropractors take a natural approach when treating your simple aches, pains, and even complex medical conditions. We use a variety of techniques including Spinal Adjustments, Spinal Decompression, Soft Tissue Therapy, Nutritional Counselling, and more to help improve the over quality of your life. Infants to seniors alike can benefit from the natural, effective, and gentle effects regular care can have on your health. Take a look at the Top Ten Reasons you should see one of our Chiropractors today! Did you know Chiropractic Care… 1. Alleviates aches and pains 2.…

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The Facts About Aspirin

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October 30/2013 By
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Health Myths May Cause More Harm – Know the Facts How often have you heard that an aspirin a day is good for preventing heart disease? When the actual study is reviewed we find this out not to be the case. In whose best interest is this idea promoted anyway? There is a serious risk associated with a daily dose of aspirin so make sure that you understand the facts and ask the right questions. Knowledge is empowerment for you and your family. Aspirin Not Recommended for Heart Disease Anymore By Dr. John G F Cleland Despite the vast size…

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Colds in Day Care Give Immunity Later On…

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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Colds frequently passed among toddlers attending day care provide a measure of immunity by the time the children reach school age, offering worried parents some comfort, researchers said on Thursday. Two-year-olds enrolled in day care centers attended by six or more children caught twice as many colds as children of that age cared for at home, according to a study of 1,246 children in Tucson, Arizona. But between the ages of 6 and 11, those who had attended day care suffered fewer colds than their counterparts cared for at home during their preschool years. By the age of 13, all…

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Healthier Children Through Chiropractic

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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“Chiropractic care for my child? Why? His back doesn’t bother him." How often chiropractors have encountered parents who appreciate the importance of regular checkups for their child’s teeth, hearing, eyes and ears but draw a blank when it comes to a spinal checkup. In fact, a spinal check-up could be one of the most important checkups your child will ever have. Your child’s spine is their lifeline because running through it is the spinal cord, containing billions of nerve fibers that send messages and energy from the brain to every part of their body. If there is blockage of any…

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The Flu Shot

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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Flu Shot Controversy Flu shot controversy!!!  Over the last few years there have been continuing arguments over the efficacy of the flu shot. Right here in Ontario many of the paramedics refused to entertain mandatory flu shots. I think that people have a right to make that decision on their own…specifically what goes into their bodies. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that we do not know what the long-term implications of this type of treatment are. Read the following and include this type of information in your decision making process. Knowledge and information allows you to be empowered…

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What is Fibromyalgia?

Posted in General Category
October 30/2013 By
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Fibromyalgia, is a mysterious syndrome that is taking an increasing toll on our population. In some instances it is very similar to that of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Fibromyalgia is often associated with widespread pain that is often incapacitating and usually affects women in the 25-60 demographic. Fibromyalgia literally means pain in the muscular and connective tissues. The cause of FMS is unknown and affects over 6 million North Americans. For many years the identification of fibro was very perplexing, because no blood work or other lab tests could show any conclusive evidence. Subsequent studies have shown a common thread of…

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Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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