
Happy Pride from the Oakville Chiropractic Centre: Love is Love

June 30/2020 By
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Happy Pride from the Oakville Chiropractic Centre! This week (June 28 th) marked 51 years since the historic Stonewall Uprising where members of the LGBT community fought for gay rights and freedoms. While many establishments were quick to turn away patrons based on colour, creed, and sexual orientation, the Stonewall Inn was one that offered service to even the most marginalized members of society. Though police raids were routine among gay bars in the 1960’s, that night was anything but. Although the rebellion brought about riots and controversy, it also began paving away for change and better representation within their…

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Black Lives Matter to the Oakville Chiropractic Centre

June 23/2020 By
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What a time we are living in. Here in the Halton Region we are entering Phase II of re-opening during the Coronavirus. In addition to all of the COVID-19 madness, we have seen society screaming out with social injustice and racial bigotry. I cannot totally understand the issues as I have not walked in those shoes, but I can assure you that we at the Oakville Chiropractic Centre are totally empathetic and support the message Black Lives Matter. The videos that have leaked show abhorrent behaviour and devoid of humane treatment. It saddens and hurts to see the treatment and understand…

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Tips to Combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Oakville Chiropractic Centre

March 13/2020 By
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I am sure everyone has been following the news and the recent developments in the COVID 19, also known as the Coronavirus outbreak. We advise you to be very careful when listening to the news and make sure to do your own research on the topic from RELIABLE sources. If there is one thing that social media brings us…it is a lot of misinformation. Here are the facts we know for sure according to the CDC (Centre for Disease Control): There is no vaccine for the coronavirus It is stronger than the common flu with a 3% mortality rate, the…

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She’s Back! Welcome Back Dr. Tiffany Huggins

January 07/2020 By
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Some of you may have been wondering where Dr. Tiffany Huggins has been…well, I will let her tell you! Here is a message from the doc herself: Hello and Happy New Year! While this is the year to reflect, as hindsight is of course 20/20, it is only fitting that I look back and give thanks for the past two amazing years I spent at home with my children. In December of 2017, my daughter Georgia was born, and I decided with her and my son Liam both at home, it was the perfect opportunity to raise my children full-time.…

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Welcome Dr. Juan Salcedo (R.M.T) – Special Offer

February 21/2018 By

The Oakville Chiropractic Centre is pleased to welcome Dr. Juan Salcedo (R.M.T), Registered Massage Therapist to the OCC team! Dr. Salcedo is also a Certified Lymphedema and an International Medical Doctor. To learn more about Dr. Juan, click here to read his bio and about his treatment methods! Dr. Juan will be joining our clinic on Monday, February 26, 2018. Call to book your appointment at 905-845-2291. Special Offer > Book Now & Receive 15 FREE Minutes As a promotion, we would like to offer you 15 minutes of FREE MASSAGE time with Dr. Juan Salcedo. Get a 1 hour…

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April 2014 Newsletter Oakville Chiropractic Centre

March 24/2014 By
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Oakville Chiropractic Centre Newsletter Dr. Brian D Huggins           Dr. Tiffany Huggins April 2014 Welcome to our office’s Chiropractic newsletter. We’d like to entertain you, inform you and even inspire you a little.  We’d love to hear from you; feel free to write to us with any questions or comments. What Is The Difference Between Medicine and Chiropractic? The medical and chiropractic approaches to healing are very different. Chiropractic’s goal is to remove a severe form of spine and nerve stress (the vertebral subluxation) from your body. Subluxations interfere with the proper function of your nervous system,…

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Spotlight: 3rd Generation Chiropractor, Dr. Tiffany Huggins

February 27/2014 By

Dr. Tiffany Huggins is originally from the scenic city of Stratford, Ontario, home to quaint restaurants shops, a rich theatre culture, and both her grandfather’s followed by her father’s bustling Chiropractic clinics. It was there that she would be instilled with the passions that would ignite her future careers, seeded in both theatre and Chiropractic. Early on, the Huggins family relocated to Oakville, Ontario where Dr. Brian Huggins would help pave the way for the current practice of Oakville Chiropractic Centre, while mentoring other Chiropractors in business and more importantly, philosophy. Dr. Brian Huggins believed in the earliest doctrines of…

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Who is your Chiropractor?

January 20/2014 By
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Who is your Chiropractor? ~Dr. Tiffany Huggins First of all, Happy New Year Blog Readers, Patients, Potential Patients! The busy and social nature of the holiday season prompted me to write this blog as I was constantly interacting with new people who seemed to ask the same 3 questions: What’s your name, how do you know the host, and what do you do for a living? By the time I reached question 3, I found many people didn’t actually understand what a Chiropractor did. I took each puzzled face, negative reaction, and ignorant response as an opportunity for education and…

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Winter 2013/14 Newsletter–The OCC Press

December 17/2013 By
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  winter 2013 newsletter Hey everyone, Hope your holiday seasons have started off healthy and happy! Check out our winter newsletter for some great tips on staying well, how to shovel while saving your back, and some great savings for new patients for the new year! Yours in health, Dr. Tiffany Huggins winter 2013 newsletter

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Oakville Backpack Safety Month

September 09/2011 By

One of the issues that we have identified with the children getting back to school is Backpack Safety. That is one reason why we here at Oakville Chiropractic Centre , Dr Brian Huggins and Dr Tiffany Huggins along with Mayor Rob Burton are declaring September Oakville Backpack Safety Month. This coincides with several other organizations throughout North America as well as the Ontario Chiropractic Association. “Many parents do not realize the negative ramifications of a young spine carrying an improper load.” stated Dr. Huggins. If a child carries too heavy a load then the stress transfers to the spine and…

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Introducing Wellness Radio

March 29/2011 By

Dr Brian Huggins is pleased to announce that the launch of Wellness Radio and Mediazoic effective today. Mediazoic is a software maker that allows individuals and organizations to create, customize and deejay their own internet radio stations. Pretty much anyone can create playlists, have complete control over the look and content of their station, and display it anywhere on the web. The network of these musically and culturally diverse stations was unveiled on April 1 at midnight at the launch function at the Revival in Toronto. Wellness Radio is Dr Huggins’ Mediazoic vehicle. The mission behind wellness radio is to…

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November 1st and the Five Pillars of Health and Wellness

November 01/2010 By
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Well here we go. Halloween last night and a little frost on the pumpkin this morning. In the past three years there has been a movement to elevate the awareness of Prostate Cancer. The project is for men to grow a mustache during the month of November … now called Movember… to raise awareness and funds. Now I am not like some men who grow a stache in two days…but I am in for the cause. Anyone with fair hair and complexion know my situation but I will give it the old college try. Why the awareness? 1 out of…

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The Neck

June 30/2010 By

OK so you probably know that over the past few months we have designed, built and moved into our new offices.  There is still a pile of detail stuff to take care of and I find myself saying more often than not…I’ll take care of that later! So over the years I have had my hand in either building directly or consulted for new doctors more than 40 times…40 new offices that all turned out pretty nice. That being said my wife Conny who is a designer has a keen eye and had a tremendous input into building our new…

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Business Hours
Oakville Chiropractic Centre
4.9/5 stars
Established as one of the most comprehensive and up to date clinics for Chiropractic in North America, the family run Oakville Chiropractic Centre takes pride in the journey of restoration to health and wellness. We specialize in Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Massage and Therapy treating conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease and scoliosis. We are committed to returning you to your best so don't hesitate call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huggins @905-845-2291.
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