Finally a headache remedy that will work for you!
If you’ve ever had a pounding headache that ruins your day, makes you unproductive at work, or gets you sick to your stomach, than this may be very important to you—So Read On!
And, this is even more important if you’ve sought help elsewhere and are still suffering.
Let me tell you what happened to one of my patients Marcia.
For years, Marcia suffered with bad headaches and migraines. She went to specialists, who ordered CAT scans and MRI’s. They put her on powerful medications, but she still suffered. After suffering for three decades, she started chiropractic care here, and her headaches are now only a rarity, and she has no migraines at all. The ironic part is, Marcia didn’t come in for headaches rather a shoulder injury, which also proved pain-free within only weeks of care! You see Marcia had given up finding a suitable treatment for her headaches, but found relief as a positive side-effect from regular spinal adjustments. She also reported better sleep and freedom from back pain.
Marcia’s story isn’t unusual. In fact, a panel of 19 experts found that chiropractic resulted in almost immediate improvement for cervicogenic headaches (ones that originate from the neck), had significantly fewer side effects, and had longer-lasting relief of tension-type headaches than a commonly-prescribed medication1.
Since we started practice, people from Oakville and the surrounding area have come to see us with their migraines. They also come to us with their:
- Headaches
- Carpal Tunnel Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder/Arm Pain
- Whiplash from motor vehicle accidents
- Backaches
- Tendinopathies
- Muscle Pain
- Numbness In limbs
- Athletic Injuries…to name but a few!
Here’s what some of your neighbors had to say:
“My headaches are completely gone and I have been able to stop taking my migraine medication.”(Marcia, Oakville, ON.)
“I had back pain and sciatica all the way my leg. Now, it’s completely gone.”(EB, Milton, ON.)
“From the very first visit I could tell a dramatic improvement with my lower back.”(AR, Burlington, ON.)
“As an athlete, I use chiropractic to help optimize my health and stay in peak form. When I sustain injuries, Dr. Huggins helps me get back on the ice in a pain-free and timely manner! ” (JD, Oakville, ON.)
What’s in it for you? You want to get to the root cause of your problem instead of masking it daily, right? Then let us help! When you call right away to schedule a new patient exam by April 19th, you’ll receive that entire exam for just $47. That’s with x-rays, a neurological & orthopedic exam and your personalized report of findings, and there are no hidden fees.
Our goal is to give you the best care we can possibly give you. You’ll get great care at a great fee. We are a Father-Daughter Team with over 30 years’ experience and we’ve been entrusted to take care of infants to seniors. We are offering you this limited offer to help you join the ranks of the pain-free!
Our office is both friendly and warm and we try our best to make you feel at home. We have a wonderful service, at an exceptional fee. Our office is called Oakville Chiropractic Centre and it is at 627 Lyons Lane (just west of Home Depot in the Oakville Professionals Building). Our phone number is 905.845.2291.
Call and speak to Ashley or another member of our friendly front desk staff today for an appointment. We can help you.
AND when accompanied by the first, we also offer the second family member this same examination for only $27.
Since 1895, chiropractic has helped people when other methods have often failed. Let it help you too!
1 McCrory DC, et al. “Evidence Report: Behavioral and Physical Treatments for Tension-type and Cervicogenic Headache.” Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center, Durham, North Carolina
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