Dear Friends and Patients,

I was sitting there New Year’s morning pondering 2014 and what it has in store.   I certainly hope that the holidays found you safe and happy. It is the most wonderful time of the year. With the advent of January we not only reflect on the previous year but set our resolutions for the coming year.

As we tend to do, we make a list of resolutions that we will attempt to accomplish with our new year.  Resolutions that are unfulfilled are merely wishes. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I thought that I would ask you all what it is that you are interested in pursuing. What will be your impetus to take action in order to reach these goals and aspirations?

Are there health and wellness goals that you have for yourself and your family?

You see life is dynamic and can change in the blink of an eye. You know we all take a lot of things for granted especially with our health and wellness. On Christmas Eve I received a call from my sister to tell me that her husband had died suddenly. It obviously made for a solemn and sombre holiday in her family, but it rings a tone of reality.

You see we are either gaining health or gaining death…. In the pendulum of life it can only be one or the other. What do you want to do for the coming year?

If you choose to gain health and wellness there are certain action steps and plans that you must follow. Chasing your goals is not easy. It takes work, commitment and determination to reach your goals.  It has been stated that if you follow an action for 21 straight days it becomes a habit.

Creating health and wellness has five pillars as far as I am concerned. We can all relate to these pillars and nudge ourselves into improving on each and every one of them.

These pillars include Proper and Adequate Nutrition, Proper Exercise to tone and vitalize the body, sufficient rest and downtime, a Positive Mental Outlook and of course a Properly Function Nervous System.

During January we will be addressing these components of health and it is my goal for you for us together to make an action plan so that you are moving towards health and wellness and not the other direction.

When booking your appointment please tell the front desk that you are interested in a Health Audit and we will be sure to set aside enough time to discuss these issues.

All the best for 2014 in Health, Happiness and Wellness

Dr Brian Huggins

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