Found below are some frequently asked questions about Oakville Chiropractic Centre along with some general questions pertaining to our scope of practice. If you have any questions about any of the following information or anything pertaining to us at OCC, please don’t hesitate to come in and ask. Our professionals are always on hand and would be happy to field any inquiries you have about leading a happier, healthier life.
Chiropractors help people deal with both acute and chronic pain, along with ensuring that the body's central nervous system is functioning at his highest potential. The main focus is on the struction and movement of the joints of the body and the effects that it can have on the muscular, nervous and skeletal system. By restoring the proper movement to the joints of the body, the body can function in the way it was designed to keep people feeling good. In addition to helping people with pain, we help people increase their ability to move, and move well. Chiropractors not only work with people on pain management and maintenance, but often with athletes, weight lifters and other people looking to increase their performance. In simple terms, "things that aren’t moving enough we make move more and things that are moving too much we make move less".
As a matter of fact, the number of hours in school is actually quite similar with a great deal of overlap in the two programs. Chiropractic has about 4450 hours or approximately 200 hours more than medicine. The overlap of basic sciences is similar but chiropractic spends a great deal more time with the skeletal system, muscles, nervous system, nutrition, exercise physiology, and of course body mechanics whereas medicine learns more about drugs and surgery.
Otherwise known as joint manipulation, a chiropractic adjustment is one of the methods a chiropractor uses to restore the movement and functions of joints in the body. Most chiropractors focus is on the spine, however; nearly every joint in the body can be adjusted. An adjustment consists of a quick, gentle force being applied to a joint in a very specific direction. This force helps us restore the motion that was altered in that joint.
No, a well performed adjustment should not hurt. In most cases it feels like an instant release of pressure; however, in some cases people experience some mild soreness in the days following an adjustment. This is a completely normal response by the body. This can occur since you may be seeing a chiropractor because you are in pain, so some temporary increase in soreness is expected. In other cases, you may have an increase in soreness since we may be moving your body and joints in a way that they have not moved for a long time. This would be equivalent if you were to go to the gym and afterwards your muscles feel sore. I often tell my patients that this is a “good sore”.
We have adjusted newborns only hours old and every stage of life from there on. Naturally there are changes in the techniques that are utilized but we find that children respond particularly well to conservative chiropractic care.
Life…vitality…energy…there was a study on seniors who utilized chiropractic over the long term and it was determined that these seniors were less likely to be in nursing homes, less dependent on medications, less surgeries, more active socially and in general, live a better lifestyle.
It is critical to be evaluated even after a seemingly minor motor vehicle accident. Research shows that people can be suffering from the effects of a minor incident years later. At the time of an incident your body releases chemicals that may mask the symptoms of certain injuries. Don’t end up being a statistic…get checked today! For more information on chiropractic and car accidents, click here.
Absolutely! Occasionally protocols or procedures need to be modified to accommodate specific individual circumstances.
The cracking sound during an adjustment is called a “cavitation”. A cavitation occurs when you move the joint quickly, opening space between the two joint surfaces. This causes a release of gas and pressure from inside the joint. It is similar to when you open a can a pop, and the dissolved gases are released.
Yes, just because you don’t hear a cavitation during an adjustment doesn’t mean it didn’t work. The goal of the adjustment is to restore the movement to that joint and the cavitation is not a necessary component of that.
It has been our experience that headaches respond very nicely to chiropractic care. First we need to determine what is causing your headaches and then eliminate the problem. After a thorough evaluation we can determine if your headaches will respond to our type of care.
Oh this is a very interesting question. I can’t tell you how many times over the years I have heard of someone who in uninformed tell me that once you start going to a chiropractor you have to go forever. Sometimes it makes you laugh and other times it makes you want to shout. You see when you understand the basic operation of the human body you understand that you need to FUNCTION at you highest capacity to fight disease, enjoy activity, health and wellness. You need to be proactive to maintain your health by making sure that your nervous system has no interference. You brush your teeth everyday. Why? It maintains dental health and prevents degeneration of your teeth, which you can replace. You can’t replace your spine…take care of it as it houses the rivulet of life.
The cost of chiropractic care compared to medical or dental expenses is quite minimal. Many people have extended health care coverage and therefore have no out-of-pocket expense. If you have been injured at work or in an automobile accident you are covered by insurance therefore you don’t experience the cost from your pocket so to speak. But when your health is failing and you are unable to participate in the basic activities of life what is expensive? The actual cost of a visit is not expensive. It is very important to remember GOOD HEALTH DOESN’T COST IT PAYS!
First off let it be known that we appreciate that your time is just a valuable as ours and we respect that. Normally you are seen by your professional on a timely basis. Naturally there are sometimes circumstances that can alter schedules but in general we stick to your appointment. If anyone is left waiting an unusual amount of time, we will gladly refund fees for that day.
Chiropractors essentially treat the spine and nervous system. Yes, the back responds well to this type of care as do headaches, neck pain, extremities and the list goes on. Ultimately it is all about your body functioning at its highest potential and that is a primary mission of the chiropractic provided at our health centre.
The sun is shining, the robins are out, and your garden is calling for your attention. Many people love to garden but dread the aches and pains that go along with it. There are ways in which one can enjoy the rewards of gardening while decreasing the risk of pain and damage to your body. Gardening activities contain many of the risk factors, such as repetitive twisting and stress, associated with Repetitive Stress Injuries, i.e. carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis as a result of repeated micro-traumas to the soft tissues of the body. It is very important to remember that the most important gardening tool we have is our body. Proper body positioning, well designed gloves and tools and frequent rest breaks are the key to being a healthy gardener.
Bend at the knees and hips to lift and hold objects and keep one arm under the object while carrying. Use an upright body posture (NEUTRAL SPINE) when working at ground level or when using long-handled gardening tools such as hoes, spades and rakes. With existing back problems, consider raised beds to minimize bending and lifting.
Work below shoulder level whenever possible. When it is necessary to work above shoulder level, perform the task for five minutes or less; then take a break or perform another activity before continuing. It is very important to use both arms whenever possible.
Keep the elbows partially bent while gardening, especially when doing activities requiring elbow strength. Avoid twisting the forearms back and forth on a repetitive basis, for example pulling weeds by twisting the forearm palm up and then palm down. Whenever possible, work with the forearms in a neutral position, for example thumbs up.
Work with the wrists in a neutral position by avoiding the extremes of motion, up, down and sideways. Grip strength is at its maximum when the wrist is in a neutral position. Hold objects with a light grasp or pinch, avoiding a tight, sustained grip.
Shorter tool handles provide greater leverage control and longer hand tools provide greater power and are best for jobs which require full body motion. Many tools are made with finger grips molded into the handle, to provide better slip resistance. People with larger hands will find that their fingers overlap the ridges, causing pain, soreness, and calluses. Those with smaller hands will have to spread their fingers to match the grooves. Handles should be cylindrical in shape, contoured, not straight to provide equal pressure along the entire arch of the palm, made of compressed rubber to minimize friction, 1.25” x 1.75” in diameter and a minimum of 5” long.
Gloves protect the hands from chemicals, sharp items and blisters, but they do decrease overall hand coordination and power grip. Gloves should be form-fitting without being restrictive.
Please remember:
Take a few minutes to stretch before, during, and after, to help minimize muscle soreness. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and change your gardening tasks frequently (at least every 30 minutes). Make sure you allow your physical activity level to act as your guide for how long you can garden. If you are physically active 1 hour a day, you should be able to garden an hour a day. Finally, remember a healthy spine will allow your body to function optimally! See your chiropractor today for an assessment so your body and garden can be in perfect shape all summer long!
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627 Lyons Ln Suite 102, Oakville, ON L6J 5Z7